King's Quest Omnipedia

The Three Bear's House is the home of the Three Bears in Llewdor. Gwydion broke into the home. While their he sat in the Baby Bear's chair breaking it. He took Baby Bear's porridge. He took Mama Bear's thimble. Finally he slept in Baby Bear's bed before being roughly thrown out of the house by Papa Bear.

The lone mountain in Llewdor can be seen to the north of the Three Bear's House, and Three Bear's House can be seen to the north from the the top of the mountain (and the wizard's tower). This is caused by the magical law of "containment" that bounds the lands.

Dew glistens on the the charming flowers planted in front of the house. A small sign hangs on the door:

The Bear Family
Papa Bear
Mama Bear
Baby Bear
Welcome! Our Home Is
Your Home!

